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7th November 2024
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HomeJointly Owned BuildingsRES communities: photovoltaics in apartment buildings

RES communities: photovoltaics in apartment buildings

In the second half of 2024, regulations for developing and operating “RES communities” is expected to come into force, according to the Minister of Energy George Papanastasiou.

The regulations are expected to pave the way for the installation of photovoltaic systems in apartment buildings, which have shared roofs, as energy communities are the cooperatives that will allow apartment owners to produce energy, from clean or renewable sources.

In reply letter to the MP of Environmentalists Charalambos Theopeptou, Mr. Papanastasiou said that the Ministry of Energy has incorporated the provisions of the European Directive concerning renewable energy communities (RES communities) into the Promotion and Encouragement of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources Law of 2022.

He added that the regulations also ensure that RES communities have access to all appropriate energy markets and the remove any unjustified regulatory barriers to their development.

The Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA) has published a tender for consulting services for the preparation of the necessary regulatory framework, which is expected to come into force in the second half of 2024.

Facilities and support for RES communities

Regarding Mr. Theopeptou’s query about the support measures for promoting RES communities, Mr. Papanastasiou advised that technical assistance from the European Commission has been available to the Ministry of Energy since January 2024. This assistance encompasses various aspects such as identifying best practices, addressing development obstacles, conducting public awareness campaigns, and devising financial incentives.

The minister expects initial deliverables by July 2024, with final recommendations aligning with the regulatory framework issued by CERA. He emphasized that further regulations may be considered from insights into the existing regulatory framework and the technical assistance.

Furthermore, the promotion of energy communities and RES communities has been integrated into the revised National Energy and Climate Plan for 2030, submitted to the European Commission in July.

In conjunction with a working group, the ministry will evaluate requests from municipalities and communities for developing renewable energy communities, aiming to propose pilot projects to promote them before the regulatory framework is introduced.

Photovoltaics for all progress

Approximately one in ten homes has a photovoltaic system and evaluating applications for the “Photovoltaics for All” project is expected to begin within days, according to Mr, Papanastasiou.

Speaking to StockWatch, Mr. Papanastasiou explained that “the pre-approvals of the applications, which have already exceeded 5000, will begin to be given within April”.


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